The first Conspiracy set was one of my favorite supplemental products and this new one, well, takes the crown. Today I'm going over the top 10 cards from Conspiracy: Take the Crown from a design and flavor perspective. Although I absolutely love the flavor of reprints like Berserk and Show and Tell, they won't be appearing here because it was already hard enough to narrow this list down to just ten. Let's dive right in! #10 Splitting Slime 
When Splitting Slime becomes too big, it splits off into a new slime that continues to grow! What a cool use of the monstrosity mechanic! Although we did get to see some cool monstrosity cards in Theros like Hundred Handed One, Splitting Slime makes me wish we would have seen even more of the mechanic. #9 Leovold, Emissary of Trest 
Everyone loves drawing extra cards, and Leovold, Emissary of Trest doesn't let them! And if that's not enough, this Elf Advisor also lets you draw extra cards whenever your opponent tries to target your permanents. A perfectly designed Sultai legend if you ask me! #8 Archdemon of Paliano 
Drafting Archdemon of Paliano may feel great at the time, but oh boy is there a cost for putting this demon in your draft stack. Drafting the next three cards at random is a wonderful representation of making a deal with a demon, and the art is fantastic as well. #7 Selvala's Stampede 
As if a one-sided Eureka isn't enough, you also have the ability to put the top creature of your library onto the battlefield if someome votes "wild"! I'm guessing that most will take their chances and vote for "free," but Selvala's Stampede still puts opponents in quite a dilemma. #6 Expropriate 
Speaking of dilemmas, Expropriate will put your opponents in an impossible spot. Do they let you take another turn or give up their best permanent? Both options sound terrible to me, but Leovold sure is having a wonderful time! #5 Recruiter of the Guard 
Recruiter of the Guard will have the largest impact on Legacy of any new card fron Conspiracy: Take The Crown and we may see new decks pop up because of it. Also have you read the flavor text on this soon-to-be Legacy staple?! #4 Regicide 
Aweomse flavor text, iconic artwork, draft design that is unique to the set, and an extremely efficient removal spell? Regicide has it all and is the card that is the best representation of Conspiracy: Take the Crown! #3 Sovereign's Realm 
This list wouldn't be complete without a conspiracy, and Sovereign's Realm allows you to play a different game than everyone else. At the cost of starting with a mulligan to five, you get to play a five color deck that always hits the perfect amount of land drops. Now that's what I call a conspiracy! #2 Kaya, Ghost Assassin 
A ghost assassin? Now that's cool! The first thing that jumps out on Kaya's design is that she doesn't have an ability that gains loyalty, but instead has the ability to exile herself and reset her loyalty. This means she can gain up to four loyalty in one turn which is quite powerful. Think if she was in a Standard set and could be used alongside of any of the Oaths! Oh the value! #1 Subterranean Tremors 
This card is fantastic! I love how you can just feel the lizard coming up through the ground. It starts with some damage to creatures without flying, and then the vibrations are enough to destroy all artifacts, and finally the lizard emerges and causes copious amounts of damage. I love it! — Todd Stevens, @ToddStevensMTG |
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