Did you like the Dystopian Legions rules? Our friends at Modiphius Entertainment have unleashed their Achtung! Cthulhu Skirmish miniatures game which is based on the successful Dystopian Legions 2.0 rule set and introduces a cast of heroes and villains, secret organisations, terrifying horrors and ancient artefacts. Check it out!
Set around the events of 'the Secret War' Achtung! Cthulhu Skirmish by Modiphius Entertainment introduces the terrifying conflict fought to stop the sorcerous Nazi cult of the Black Sun from unleashing a tide of Mythos horrors against the Allies in World War Two. Achtung! Cthulhu Skirmish is based on the successful Dystopian Legions 2.0 rule set and introduces a major cast of heroes and villains, secret organisations, terrifying horrors and ancient artefacts. As the Mythos Influence Level rises, strange and terrible things begin to happen to those involved in the conflict, there's new rules for Mythos powers, spells and artefacts and players from both sides can bring powerful spellcasters to bear. The book includes stats for Achtung! Cthulhu forces as well as normal historical infantry, support weapons, vehicles and tanks.
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