A brand new faction for Kings of War: Vanguard is available to pre-order now! The Dwarfs are armed with mighty hammers, powerful flame throwers and hungry, ankle-biting mastiffs. When the Dwarfs head to war, they mean business...
If you're only just starting on your Dwarf journey, then the Dwarf Warband Set is the perfect place to begin. It comes with 10 miniatures and 21 Warband stat cards, covering the basics and a few extras for the Dwarf faction.
As well as the introductory Warband Set, you can expand your Dwarf choices with a range of Support Packs, including:
Resin Steel Juggernaut
Resin Flame Priest
Resin Mastiff Pack Master
Resin Shieldbreaker
Resin Ironwatch
Not only can you add these to your Vanguard warband, but some - like the Steel Juggernaut and Flame Priest - also have brand new rules in Kings of War. Read THIS BLOG to find out more about the Dwarfs.
The Dwarfs aren't the only new release making a splash in Vanguard. You can now pre-order Firebrand and Kuzlo & Madfall mercenaries. These tough fighters can be hired by any faction to help get the job done.
Firebrand's skill is legendary throughout Mantica. Armed to the teeth with deadly weaponry, only a fool would mess with her.
After realising his giant lizard was handy for gobbling up enemies, Kuzlo spared Madfall from becoming a potion ingredient and now rides him into battle
The final addition to our upcoming Vanguard releases is the Northern Alliance Ice Elemental. You can run this alongside a Snow Troll in the Northern Alliance warband, thanks to the Talannar's Pack ability.
The main man is here to talk about what's coming up for Vanguard, including new factions, Uncharted Empires and lots more. Check out the blog here.
Ash Barker from Guerrilla Miniature Games has a new series of Vanguard videos on his channel. Make sure you subscribe because there's a new video every week!
Our big, 18cm tall giant is finally striding into view! Following a limited pre-release a couple of months ago, the giant is now due for release in all its towering glory. Use it as a scenario objective in Vanguard or as the new Colossal Giant in Kings of War - introduced in Clash of Kings 2019.
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