Learn more about exciting G4C initiatives happening in the upcoming months
The Unity for Humanity Summit begins tomorrow! G4C is excited to be participating in multiple ways. You can start by discovering some of the amazing social impact-driven projects created with Unity in the Changemakers Showcase, curated in association with Games for Change and Kaleidoscope.
Check out the latest guest post on the G4C blog from Schell Games, "Creating History with HistoryMaker VR". Read about how HistoryMaker VR helps students feel, empathize, and connect with material, and explore ways we can use VR to build engagement in today's learning environment. Read more and get this amazing tool for FREE now!
Are you a developer with an existing or "beta" level game? Apply now for the STEM Your Game Challenge Powered by Endless. Now through December 1, developers can submit their game and apply to receive up to $150,000 in funding, resources, and expert advice to redesign your game into a powerful #edtech learning tool.Learn more now!
The fourth "Create with Fortnite" workshop will be held on October 24th. With the help of Epic Games and expert educators, learn how to use Fortnite Creative in your classroom and engage students in a new and exciting way! This is the second to last workshop and space is limited--Apply now!
GamesIndustry.biz Live: Academy October 26- 28 Featuring a Discord full of industry experts who are eager to talk and answer questions about life in video games, what you need to do to get ahead, and where the opportunities are. With the pandemic making it harder than ever for industry professionals to visit schools, colleges and universities, this event will prove essential in helping the games industry connect with the next generation of game makers.
The Great Exchange- Student Engagement Summit October 29 Student engagement and mental health are critical this school year. From attendance and parent involvement, to teacher retention, the biggest issues we are currently facing in education are rooted in our ability to keep students engaged in distance learning. It's time to focus on what really matters: working together to create a distance learning environment where students can flourish. RSVP now for free!
Transformative Tech Conference November 13-14 Calling founders or investors of a wellbeing/tech company, or an innovator looking for their next big idea — connect with other inspiring people in the space and RSVP for the only conference in the world that is squarely focused on the intersection of technology and wellbeing. The conference will have more than two-dozen industry titans speaking, in addition to 1,100 founders, investors, and innovators. Members of the Games for Change community can get a 15% discount so RSVP now!
2020 CSforALL Commitments Showcase November 17 CSforALL is hosting a virtual #CSforALL Commitments showcase on Tuesday, November 17th at 7:00 PM EST. Together as a community, we will celebrate the 2020 CSforALL Commitments made by our member community and highlight the work in response to COVID-19 and racial injustice within the computer science education movement. Register today!
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