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Dear beneficiary,

The US Secretary of State announced Monday that Federal Government in collaboration with United Nations Government approved a mortgage relief plan. The Government will use about $897 billion in Federal money to help people who fell behind on their mortgage payments during the pandemic.

The program will pay past due housing payments in full, up to a maximum of $750,000 has been allocated for you. The money would go directly to your bank or mortgage servicers if you wish.

You are eligible because you own and occupy one property and make at or below 100% of your area median income. The program covers single-family homes, condos, small business entrepreneur and manufactured homes. Owners are believed to have faced a pandemic-related financial hardship after Jan. 21, 2020. You are required to send the details below to this email contact details.

Name: Mr. Denise Powell

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Please contact Denise Powell for claim.

Yours truly,
Mr. Lawrence Armstrong
For Management.

On the Morning You Wake is Coming to Quest 2!

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"On the Morning You Wake (to the End of the World), a new virtual reality documentary executive produced by Games for Change, is coming to Meta Quest 2 on March 24!

On the Morning You Wake is a 38-minute VR experience from award-winning creators Archer's Mark and Atlas V that recreates the experiences of people in Hawai'i, who spent 38 excruciating minutes preparing for a possible nuclear attack when a false missile alert was sent on January 13th, 2018. The film takes audiences on a journey exploring the risks and consequences of a world held hostage by nuclear weapons and reflecting on how the mere existence of these weapons impacts our concepts of home, safety, and security.

The entire three-part documentary is currently screening in Austin, Texas, as an official selection of the 2022 SXSW Film Festival. "Chapter 2: The Doomsday Machine" and "Chapter 3: Kuleana" premiered at SXSW on March 13. "Chapter 1: Take Cover" previously premiered at the 2022 Sundance Film Festival.

The film is at the center of a long-term impact campaign to inspire the global public to take action to shape the future of nuclear weapons policy. The campaign includes several public screenings and events, in addition to educational resources that promote a deeper understanding of nuclear risk. Games for Change is creating educational resources and curriculum in collaboration with N Square, which will support screenings at schools, universities, and museums worldwide.

The first museum and education activations will take place at the Nobel Peace Center in Oslo, Norway, which will host public screenings, conversations, and field trips for high school students in June. Plans are also underway for a public event and activation in New York City in May, in collaboration with the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.

The impact campaign is endorsed by a number of leading organizations and activists in the nuclear disarmament movement, including executive producer Princeton University's Program on Science and Global Security, and impact campaign partners Global Zero, ICAN, Ploughshares Fund, N Square, Carnegie Corporation and the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.
Awaken: A Deep Dive into On the Morning You Wake
March 14th at 4 pm CT in the Austin Fairmont Hotel
A multi-faceted program experience that will open with a poetry performance followed by back-to-back intimate fireside chats with the lead artists and key collaborators of the virtual reality documentary On the Morning You Wake. 
Join Cynthia Lazaroff, Lovely Umayam, and Ray Acheson, the Impact Fellows of the VR documentary On the Morning You Wake, to discuss the global nuclear disarmament movement and how creative storytelling has been a part of powerful movements. Moderated by Rachel Bronson, the President, and CEO of The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, the conversation will also explore how content and stories made within the XR industry can continue this trend.
This project is presented by the British Film InstituteOculus/Meta VR for Good, and Arte France. It is the sophomoric co-production by the team behind Notes on Blindness VR, Archer's Mark and Atlas V. Lead writer Dr. Jamaica Heolimeleikalani Osorio provided spoken word poetry to structure the event in Hawai'i, while expertise surrounding global nuclear threat was provided by executive producers Dr. Alexander Glaser and Dr. Tamara Lilinoe Patton from Princeton University's Program on Science and Global Security. The project was developed with initial support from the MacArthur Foundation.
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PC Games Daily: Die wichtigsten Meldungen des Tages

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 Sonntag, der 13. März 2022
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