 | A Fistful of Halo: Fleet Battles | Solent Wargamers are holding their first Halo: Fleet Battles Tournament. The event will take place on Sunday 28th February at the A Fistful of Dice store in Southsea, UK. Places are filling up fast so don't delay in getting your ticket. The Maximum Fleet Value is set at 1500 points, and you must bring two copies of your Fleet along with your miniatures, rulebook, dice, measuring tape, tokens and a pen. Prizes will be awarded to the Supreme Victorious Commander (overall winner), Ruthless Commander (most total BR destroyed), and Best Painted (judged by the tournament organiser). Four prizes will also be awarded for the best placing of the four playable commanders, each winner receiving a highly-detailed Halo Fleet Commander/Heroic Character bust to represent them. You can find out more by reading the Official Event Pack - available now! | |  |
 | |  |  | Who won the Dystopian Legions Painting Comp? Two months ago Element 270 began their first Dystopian Legions Painting Competition. After the three finalists were selected the open voting commenced, and now a winner has been announced. | |  |
 | Uneasy Ceasefire and more Dystopian Wars scenarios | More scenarios to add to those available in our official campaign guides |
Game designer James ( Bunnahabhain on the forum) has been working on a number of exciting scenarios for Dystopian Wars to be played across one or more theatres of war - some almost ready to go and others with details to be fleshed out. Go take a look and feel free to try some of them out in your own games, and be sure to let us know how you got on. | |  |
 | |  |  | Firestorm Armada at the Sanctuary Gaming Centre Are you ready for a brutal weekend of fleet engagements in the war torn Firestorm Galaxy? The Sanctuary Gaming Centre in Sutton-in-Ashfield, UK is a fantastic venue with a hobby store and an incredible 44 gaming tables, and it will play host to Firestorm Armada GT 2016. This event will take place over two days this coming March, pitting 800 Point Patrol Fleets against one another across five gruelling scenarios. The final tournament pack is coming soon, but you can book your place now. | |  |
 | |  |  | Sharing the Firestorm Planetfall hobby The Spartan Games Community Newsletter is always a great opportunity for us to share some of the very best recent paint jobs we've seen. This month, we'd like to share Kuzao's ghostly Relthozan force with Ba'Kash aerial allies. We really love the mix of metal and green tones which give an eerie and evil look to the miniatures. Kuzao used a black base followed by Vallejo grey primer. Vallejo air duck egg green and a subtle white highlight were used for the glowing areas. A heavy green wash was then applied to the whole miniature, followed by a metallic green felt pen for edge highlights. The miniatures are then finished with very heavy varnishing - absolutely necessary as the metallic pen rubs off at the slightest touch.  Send photos of your painted forces and information about upcoming events at your local game stores and clubs to marketing@spartangames.co.uk. | |  |
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