Ronnie reveals all! Great big frickin' tanks! Crazy Bobby returns...

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Ronnie reveals all (not like that)...
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Welcome to this week's Mantic Games newsletter. Here you'll find all the latest information on new releases, news and special offers!
Armed with a main battery of Heavy Hailstorm Cannons and clad in armour capable of withstanding all but the most powerful and well-placed blasts, the Sturnhammer inexorably carries the might of the Forge Fathers to war.
The Drakkar's sloped, reinforced armour makes it one of the toughest troop delivery vehicles on any battlefield anywhere. With a Hailstorm anti-personnel weapon to discourage any assailants along the way, the vehicle is an extremely safe and reliable transport for platoons of Steel Warriors and Forge Guard.
The Galactic Co-Prosperity Sphere's most advanced military demands equally advanced air support. The Accuser and Persecutor wings fulfill this task faultlessly, claiming air superiority for the Enforcers below.

The Arbiter swaps the Accuser's Burst Lasers in favour of twin Polaris Cannons, delivering a heavy punch against armoured targets in swift ground-to-air strikes few enemies can counter.

We've got a limited amount of our neoprene 6ft x 4ft Deluxe Gaming Mats available from the website for £49.99/$79.99/€69.99. These are great for games of Kings of War and Warpath but you better be quick because once they're gone, they're gone for good!
Uh oh... we've let Ronnie loose on the blog again! Find out what's been happening here at Mantic HQ recently and what's coming up next, in the latest instalment of Ronnie's Ramblings.
In preparation for the Edge of the Abyss summer campaign, we're guiding you through each of the factions. Plus find you how you can get 10% off starter armies and mega forces! Read our intros to Basileans, Dwarfs, Elves, Kingdoms of Men and Forces of Nature.
We've just released the Deadzone FAQ 2.1, which covers a whole host of topics, such as line of sight, Striders, Weapons Teams and lots more! Perfect timing for the Deadzone Overkill tournament here at Mantic HQ on 22nd July.
Did you tune in to #ManticMonday this week? We had live streams of The Walking Dead: All Out War and a 500 point game of Kings of War using the miniatures from the new Battle of the Glades two-player set. Tune in next week for more videos and gameplay straight from Mantic HQ.
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