Underrated Decks In Each SCG Atlanta Format By Ross Merriam Jeskai Control has always matched up well against the second of those two, with a pile of cheap, instant-speed removal to answer their threats and, in the case of Electrolyze, gain some card advantage along the way. Once you get them into the late-game, Affinity winds up topdecking too many copies of Ornithopter and Springleaf Drum to keep up, and your remaining Snapcaster Mages and Spell Quellers provide a sufficient clock, with Celestial Colonnade often giving the killing blow. The Grixis Death's Shadow matchup is certainly trickier, yet still tends to favor control. Path to Exile and Snapcaster Mage is the perfect start to answering their threats, and their natural tendency to deal themselves ten or more damage puts them in a very awkward position. They really want to get to nine or lower so their Death's Shadows survive red removal and their Stubborn Denials are turned on, but at that life total, they are immediately in danger of being burned out. They can try to slow down a bit in order to balance the two forces, but that just plays right into your hands, letting you get to multiple-spell turns and making Cryptic Command into a serious threat. Their deck is powerful and the heavy discard and powerful threats means that nothing is going to be easy, but Jeskai is one of the best-positioned decks in the matchup from a tactical perspective. |
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