Sumatra's forests are being cut down at one of the fastest rates in the world. Almost half its natural forests have been lost since 1985, for timber and paper and to make room for palm oil plantations. Palm oil, the world's most popular vegetable oil, is found in a variety of products – from shampoos, to ice cream, lipsticks and more. As demand for palm oil grows, new plantations are being developed and existing ones are being expanded in Indonesia, Malaysia and other Asian countries, as well as in Africa and Latin America. Clearing land for palm oil plantations has led to widespread loss of rainforests. But the bad news doesn't stop there. Carbon emissions from this rapid deforestation also contributes to global climate change. The good news is that, with better management practices, the palm oil industry could provide benefits without threatening some of our most breathtaking natural treasures. Find out how you can help fight against deforestation. | | |
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