VR For Change Is Now XR For Change [CORRECT RSVP LINK]

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Technology is constantly evolving and transforming. At G4C, we aim to keep up with the innovation and adoption of new media technologies as drivers of social change. In 2017, we launched the XR for Change Summit in response to growing interest from our community to explore the application of these new technologies for social good. The response has been overwhelming and we are encouraged that there is a need for a convener to help grow a community of practitioners across sectors who believe in the power of emerging tech and social change.

VR For Change is Now XR for Change

After carefully listening to many voices across different parts of our community, we have decided to rename VR for Change as XR for Change. As XR (Exponential Realities) suggests, this new initiative aims to include many versions of emerging technology - existing and yet to be developed - in the hopes of being more inclusive for developers across VR, MR and AR.

We believe there is tremendous potential for impact in all of these technologies and look forward to helping grow a community that can explore the full breadth of possibilities in making social good experiences.

Our commitment stays the same - XR for Change will be a convener of the community of practice with the XR for Change summit, encourage dialogue and foster collaboration between different sectors led by an Ambassador Group and incubate new projects as drivers of social change with Challenges and XR Jams. We strongly believe that XR for Change presents a unique opportunity to advance this field, and spark partnerships between content creators, hardware and software companies and cause-based organizations.
XR for Change Talk and Play Event Hosted At SAP's Leonardo Innovation Center, NYC
February 2nd, from 6-8pm

Join us at the first XR for Change Talk and Play event which will explore XR projects that advance social and civic issues. The session will be moderated by Erik Martin (Unity) and speakers include Navid Khonsari (InkStories), James Pallot (Emblematic Group), and  media artist Zohar Kfir (Testimony) plus a few more surprise guests. The event will take place February 2, 2018 from 6-8pm at SAP's Leonardo Innovation Center in NYC and will feature a one hour panel followed by one hour of demos, networking, and cocktails. Admission is free and is open to the public but space is limited so RSVP's are required in advance.
XR for Change Summit Submissions Are Open 
As part of the 2018 G4C Festival, G4C will be convening the one-of-a-kind XR for Change Summit in New York on Saturday, June 30, 2018. The G4C Festival Curatorial Team is seeking technologists and social innovators developing projects that incorporate VR/AR/MR to improve communities and create social good. Applications are open until February 7 for ideas for talks, panels, demos and workshops that engage with the latest immersive technologies.

Do not forget to submit your best XR Impact Game to with a prestigious G4C Award within the catergories of: Most Significant Impact, Most Innovative, Best Gameplay, Best Learning Game, and Game of the Year.
VR Educational Games At 2018 ED Games Expo
G4C's President Susanna Pollack recently attended the fifth annual ED Games Expo at John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts (Washington D.C.) to moderate a panel discussion in the So You Want to Be a Game Developer series. During the panel, game developers such as Randy Weiner (co-founder of Brainquake), Maria Burns Ortiz (CEO and co-founder of 7 Genration Games), and Devin Young (co-founder of Classcraft, a G4C Industry Circle member) shared professional insights with more than 125 local students about learning game design skills. During the Expo, G4C also had the opportunity to meet developers and learn about their VR games which are improving education, creating interactive learning and skill-building. Check out the list of VR games and developers that are immersing students in hands-on-situations and creating impactful learning experiences within the fields of science, engineering, history, medical training, and health.
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