Spoiler season is the most exciting time of the year. Every evening I huddle in front of the glowing lights of my computer monitor and expectantly unwrap the gifts that Wizards of the Coast has given to us. Recent sets have been overflowing cornucopias of limited and constructed possibilities but I think most of us would agree that current Standard is growing a touch stale. Fortunately, it is the eve of a new set, and Eldritch Moon is on the rise. With new card previews trickling out and my excitement barely contained I wanted to share the ten things I most hope we get out of Innistrad this time around. #10 The return of Emrakul 
WISH GRANTED! I know this one isn't unique to just me. It is a bit funny how we all expected this to happen and yet all the anticipation was still there. The queen of the Eldrazi returns, and she does not disappoint. Most newer players will not be familiar with how unfair Mindslaver was, but many of the old timers still carry emotional scars from having their minds stolen. The Promised End will be that same nightmare, but with a demonic 13/13 body attached to it. #9 Fallen Angels 
Those holy, pious, angelic do-gooders think they are so great. What is better than watching the once mighty falling from grace? Innistrad is a dark place controlled by dark forces and I believe that the heavenly deities cannot withstand these forces forever. We already have Archangel Avacyn turning vengeful, now it is time for some of her hallowed brethren to follow suit. I cannot wait to see what Wizards of the Coast has in store for the angels. #8 A new card type This one is a bit of a stretch. Actually, it is more of a crazy, pie-in-the-sky, pipe dream with virtually no chance of happening. The last thing that Tarmogoyf needs is more ways to grow but the graveyard mechanic in Shadows over Innistrad fell a little flat so I'm hoping for a big change. Delirium was low impact in limited and basically non-existent in constructed. A new card type would be electrifying and completely unexpected, and it would help to spice up graveyards everywhere. Maybe I should have a more realistic wish of fun graveyard interactions and more powerful Delirium payoff cards. #7 Risen Heroes 
With iconic angels being broken there is a need for new heroes to step up and defend what is good, just, and right. Will it be a Planeswalker who saves the day? A character we already know and love? An unexpected new hero? Personally I love to see new characters pop up in the storyline and have a big impact. I am confident that heroes will rise in the light of the Eldritch Moon to save this new Innistrad. #6 Better Vampires 
Who better to benefit from the risen Eldritch Moon than the vampires and werewolves of Innistrad? There was a lot of anticipation for the undead race as the last set was being previewed and I still think Olivia, Mobilized for War has not been explored enough as a constructed card, but the power of the green and white portions of the color pie has repressed the potential of vampires. However, a new set means new possibilities. Hopefully the vampires burst forth from the dark, as strong as (or stronger than) humans and werewolves and Eldrazi. #5 One casting cost cards 
When it comes to casting cheap cards, white is having all the fun. Sure, green made a valiant go at it with the powerful Oath of Nissa but Loam Dryad and Blisterpod aren't making anyone shake in their boots. The format does not necessarily need cards that will be played on the first turn, especially with the number of lands that enter the battlefield tapped, but some inexpensive cards for black, red, and blue would help them compete against all the G/W Tokens nonsense that is making a mess out of Standard. #4 A combo deck 
I know this one does not appeal to all card floppers but I miss the days of carefully positioning the game before you execute a powerful two-card combo. Standard has been creatures and creatures and creatures for a very long time now, with an occasional deck that plays few creatures but is set up to kill all the opposing creatures. Even the Planeswalkers of the world make creatures and enhance creatures. Could I find a way to fit the word "creatures" in here even more? Wizards of the Coast is exceedingly careful with spells these days, but I hope they test the waters with a combo that is relevant enough to make an impact on standard. #3 Unique Madness cards 
Remember when Madness cards were previewed for our return to Innistrad and Jace, Vryn's Prodigy shot up to the price of a small car? The hype was real. Unfortunately, the cards we actually got did not live up to it. I feel like Wizards of the Coast got close to some very creative madness cards with From Under the Floorboards and Drownyard Temple but the other cards came across as very bland. The best they could do was a reprint in Fiery Temper? I am wishing for some new, fun, unique madness cards to bring little Jace back to his former glory. #2 A new Wrath of God 
We no longer get the unconditional, four mana board sweepers of yesteryears and I can understand that. Conversely, trying to Languish away a battlefield of Nissa and Gideon enhanced enemies is a futile effort. Let's hope for something in the middle, something that is good enough and different enough (read not white) to allow control decks a legitimate chance. Perhaps a sorcery that deals with creatures and planeswalkers? Even that may not be good enough with angels swooping in at instant speed and Collected Company creating instantaneous board presences. #1 Powerful Red Cards 
Goblin Dark‑Dwellers and Chandra, Flamecaller must be very confused about their place in this Innistrad world. These cards are so versatile and powerful and yet rarely grace the Top 8 of major tournaments. The problem is the lack of reinforcements that also feature a fiery red dot for a mana symbol. Really, would you rather be trying to generate card advantage through Sin Prodder or Tireless Tracker? Clearly it is time for red to make a comeback in a big way and I am banking on Wizards of the Coast stunning us with some truly special mountainous monstrosities. They really owe the red mages of the world. Just like the holidays, getting everything I wish for out of Eldritch Mood would probably be too much to handle. And there are always those unexpected gifts that I never see coming. However it turns out, spoiler season always has me feeling like a child again. What are you wishing for? — Craig Krempels, @CraigKrempels |
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