Incremental Control In Modern By Sam Black Fatal Push is really the glue that allows this kind of deck to have any chance, and Path to Exile rounds it out nicely. Modern is in a very creature-heavy space at the moment, and dedicated removal spells are rarely a liability and almost always a necessity. Flipping Search for Azcanta quickly is more of a nice bonus than a necessary component of using the card, so Thought Scour over Opt or Serum Visions isn't required, and, due to the fact that the cards in this deck all play extremely different roles from each other, a fairly compelling case could be made that the selection may be more valuable. However, I think Thought Scour is kind of a package deal with Emrakul, the Promised End, and with three artifacts, three sorceries, four other creatures, five planeswalkers, seven enchantments, and enough lands and instants that I'll essentially always have one of each in the graveyard, I have enough diversity that I should usually have five to seven types in the graveyard by the time I'm thinking about casting Emrakul, and I like having the way to go over the top if my opponent does something bigger than the incremental advantage of my planeswalkers can keep up with. |
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