What Separates Good From Great By Gerry Thompson Figuring out how much credit to give your opponents is one of the toughest things in Magic. There's typically a stark difference in play skill and experience at the various levels of competitive Magic. How you play against each of those players should vary depending on what sorts of plays you think you can get away with. Does your opponent know how to bluff? Are they capable of bluffing you? If they represent a trick, does it mean they have it? If they had a great opportunity to use a Lightning Bolt but didn't, does it mean they don't have it? Are they going to play the matchup or sideboard how you'd expect? It's difficult to get those answers. You can make some generalizations on based on your opponent's pre-game banter, their shuffling technique, and whether or not they use dice to track life totals. It's never perfect, though, and you're better off getting a real impression from how your opponent handles themselves in-game. Judging someone solely based on their shuffling technique will frequently let you down. |
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