VR for Change Kicks Off ๐Ÿš€

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Since 2004, Games for Change (G4C) has empowered game creators and social innovators to drive real-world change using games that help people to learn, improve their communities, and contribute to make the world a better place. During that time G4C kept a close eye on the potential of virtual reality, and earlier this year decided to step up our efforts and organized resources for developing the emerging VR / AR / MR for change sector. This new initiative launched with the 2017 VR for Change Summit and for those who could not attend, the event brought together content creators, scientists, funders and educators for a full day of exploration on the power of this new medium. Videos can be seen here

G4C is now proud to announce year-round programming and support for the VR for Change community. In addition to a dedicated VR for Change blog, where we will feature innovative projects and best practices from leaders in the sector, we will host a quarterly VR Talk & Play event at the SAP leonardo Center in New York where leaders in the field will share insights on their work, the challenges they face moving forward and also provide an opportunity for attendees to try out new works. Another VR for Change effort will be an Ambassador Group comprised of pioneers in the various sectors of the VR / MR / AR community who will help map the way forward and identify opportunities for practitioners to create resources for one another. And G4C is already gearing up for the 2018 VR for Change Summit, which will build on the sucess of the first VR for Change Summit and push the community to use VR / MR / AR in even more effective ways. G4C will be shortly announcing 2018 VR for Change Summit dates.

G4C EU HOSTS VR / AR / MR for Impact

Earlier this month, Susanna Pollack, president of G4C, gave a talk at G4C Europe's VR / AR / MR for Impact conference in Aix en Provence, France. The event was hosted at TheCamp, a unique community and campus that focuses on bringing together creators of technology and social innovation. It was an exciting two days and congrats to the G4C Europe team for an extraordinary event!


VR for Change is thrilled to announce a Talk & Play series to be held at the SAP Leonardo Center New York hosted by SAP Next-Gen. SAP Next-Gen connects companies to a global community of academia, start-ups, purpose driven institutions and experts from SAP and partners to inspire and accelerate digital innovation linked to the UN Global Goals. The series will be curated by VR for Change and will highlight the work of pioneers in the VR, AR and MR fields for social impact and provide them with a platform to share insights about advancements in those fields. Attendees will also have a chance to experience the VR projects first hand in the demo area at SAP. The series will kick off in January of 2018 and will be open to the entire G4C community.


The GameTheory studio attended G4C's VR Brain Jam, the first ever neuroscience game jam hosted during the G4C Festival in July 2017. After jamming with 65 neuroscientists and VR developers, GameTheory was selected to present their "Marco Polo" game on the mainstage to an expert jury at the VR for Change Summit. In the game, a mother whale calls out to her lost calf and the other player has to use motor-sensory abilities to proceed. Read in detail about GameTheory's collaborative working process and learnings taken from the VR Brain Jam experience.
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