With the lockdown we realise it's been tough. Even if you've been ordering from the website, it can be hard waiting patiently by the letter box, just wondering when that parcel will drop.
So, all this weekend we've got some instant gratification to keep you going in lockdown: ALL DIGITAL BOOKS ARE HALF PRICE! All of them. Every single one. Half price. No joke. They'll be delivered instantly into your eager digital paws and ready for immediate perusal. No waiting. No having to speak to the postman. Just instant fun times!
Just take a look at some of the amazing deals below, including (for the first time ever) some hefty discounts on digital Kings of War products.
Need to revise your history of Pannithor? Want to know more about the different armies vying for victory? Then the mighty full rulebook for Kings of War: Third Edition has you covered. Not only does this feature all the rules and armies, it also has the most detailed lore ever. Plus, the added benefit of it being digital is that you don't get a work out each time you lift it. Buy your copy here.
If you still insist on playing some of those other armies, then the Uncharted Empires supplement puts a Kings of War twist on some classic fantasy tropes. There are a host of new armies in this book, along with a new concept for Third Edition: Theme Lists. Put a unique twist on your army by giving it a strong theme. Download Uncharted Empires here.
It's been great to see so many newcomers picking up Deadzone recently - thanks, in part, to the great efforts of Blackjack Legacy. The core rules are (and will continue to be) FREE but you'll need to grab the Escalation supplement to make sure you're up to date with all the stats and new missions. And what better time? Because now it's half price. Download Escalation here.
If you prefer your skirmish to be more fantasy, rather than sci-fi, then Vanguard is the way to go. Although the free rules are available online, the core rulebooks includes so much more - extra missions, more equipment, unique spells and full campaign rules. Download Vanguard here.
Although the physical Open Day had to be cancelled, we're not letting that stop us! On May 9th we'll be hosting our first ever Virtual Open Day. We're going to try and recreate the feel of an Open as much as possible, so you can tune in throughout the day for all this and more:
live streams of games from our army of Pathfinders
Warpath Universe Q&A with Rob
Kings of War and Vanguard Q&A with Matt Gilbert
the infamous Ronnie Q&A
Needy Cat Games' seminar on Games Design 101
live sculpting sessions with Luigi, our resident sculptor extraordinaire
special website offers
new Mantic Points products!
charity auction
The Virtual Open Day kicks off at 10am (UK time) on Saturday, May 9th. We'll be hosting a Discord Server throughout the day and we'll have more details about how YOU can join in next week.
There's a new format for the Mantic Podcast. Each week we'll be interviewing Mantic staff or members of the community to have a little chat about various Mantic-related things. Check out the new episodes below:
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