Top picks for #MTGSOI Standard

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It's time!

If you imagine I'm saying that in my best Bruce Buffer voice, you'll be a lot more impressed. Hype introductions aside, it certainly is time to play some Magic! The Shadows over Innistrad prerelease is finally here and that means the packs, they are a crackin'. If you're lucky, that means Avacyn Archangel, Nahiri, the Harbinger, or Arlinn Kord will be staring you right back in the face early Saturday morning.

But if you're not one of the lucky few to have those powerful ladies by your side, there are still plenty of goodies to open in #MTGSOI. Jace is back in his newest form—and if history is any indication, he will be significant in defining our new Standard format. Sorin, Grim Nemesis and Anguished Unmaking might be the tools that W/B decks have been missing, and the combination of Relentless Dead and Diregraf Colossus looks to be taking Zombies to a level we've never seen before!

So what am I hoping to crack this weekend at the prerelease? That's easy! I want The Gitrog Monster! There may be no Life from the Loam or other Dredge shenanigans for me to partake in, but I'd still be more than happy casting a deathtouching frog horror all day long. And I get to walk away with the awesome Shadows over Kittinnistrad playmat just for playing? Yes, please!

I hope to see you at the Star City Game Center for the Shadows over Innistrad prerelease, but if not, I wish you all the best of luck. May you open as many legendary frog horrors as possible!

Cedric Phillips, Media Manager @CedricAPhillips ® Open


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Match of the Week

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Match of the Week video



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What I'd Play At The Open Series

Now that the full spoiler for Shadows over Innistrad has been released, we can begin building decks. The place that I always like to start is with very aggressive and controlling decks. Once I have defined those parameters, I can have a better sense of the offensive/defensive capabilities midrange decks will need and how things will line up in the new Standard environment. To kick things off this week, rather than a Top 10, I present a Top 5 for aggressive and controlling strategies.

Top 5 Aggro Picks

#5 Fiery Temper

Fiery Temper card preview

It might be a surprise to see Fiery Temper but not Arlinn Kord on this Top 5, but the reason is simple. There are a lot of great things you can already do with four mana. There is nothing even close to as good as Fiery Temper at one mana. Fiery Temper is even better than most two mana removal spells!

#4 Relentless Dead

Relentless Dead card preview

The hardest part of building an aggro deck is having relevant early plays. You need creatures that are two mana, but you need them to be better than your opponent's two-mana plays and at least line up well against their three-mana options. Relentless Dead can trade or push past any other early creatures at a potential profit and pull you ahead.

#3 Thalia's Lieutenant

Thalia's Lieutenant card preview

Thalia's Lieutenant is also significantly better than any other option at two mana. What makes it better than Relentless Dead is that it has a much bigger impact on the board and has the potential to trade up. It won't be common, but this card will become a 5/5 and threaten to trade with cards as powerful as Dragonlord Ojutai.

#2 Falkenrath Gorger

Falkenrath Gorger card preview

Deploying creatures before your opponent is one of the easiest ways to get ahead, but one-mana plays are frequently so weak that they quickly get outclassed. Even if it can't attack, Falkenrath Gorger can generate a lot of value if it sticks around. There are almost no creatures worth playing at one mana, and this one is quite good.

#1 Olivia, Mobilized for War

Olivia, Mobilized for War card preview

The Queen of Blood is back, and she is mobilized for war! Olivia is a little on the fragile side, but she has evasion and is a one-card offensive engine. If you untap with her, the power level of the cards in your hand suddenly jump. Olivia ties a lot of synergies together and—to go with the theme of this Top 5—there isn't any creature at three mana that is as good for an aggro deck.

Top 5 Control Picks

#5 Invasive Surgery

Invasive Surgery card preview

From the control perspective, there are two very important things that this card does. First, it is the best option to counter discard like Duress or Thoughtseize, and it is the best option to counter combos like Show and Tell or Rally the Ancestors. (Thankfully Rally is rotating out, but something might take its place.) Second, not only does it counter those cards, but with Delirium enabled, you can cut your opponent off from a whole axis of functionality. If you are looking to dismantle an opponent, this is a great card for it.

#4 Anguished Unmaking

Anguished Unmaking card preview

A classic problem for control decks is having answers for every threat. When you don't know if your opponent is going to play a Planeswalker, a creature with Haste, an Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger or something like Evolutionary Leap, you need a certain number of catch-alls. I don't think any control deck can play more than two of these, but playing none could mean getting caught with the wrong answer for the wrong threat.

#3 Descend Upon the Sinful

Descend Upon the Sinful card preview

Sweepers that unconditionally exile are always something to note. Descend Upon the Sinful is a powerhouse answer that can line up an answer for the next threat or get some pressure on the board to take down your opponent's Planeswalker and win the game. This card is expensive but a great one-of.

#2 Jace, Unraveler of Secrets

Jace, Unraveler of Secrets card preview

In terms of functionality, this might be the closest to Jace, the Mind Sculptor we have ever seen. Unfortunately Jace, Vryn's Prodigy is still in the format and going to be a four-of, but I expect the Unraveler of Secrets to be alongside it as a one-of. It can impact the board, protect itself, and the +1 is a lot for your opponent to slog through. With Dig Through Time rotating out of the format, Jace is likely to be "the" source of card draw.

#1 Archangel Avacyn

Archangel Avacyn card preview    Avacyn, the Purifier card preview

We had the Queen of Blood at No. 1 for the aggressive side, and we have another female lead for the control side. Avacyn has to be one of the most hyped cards in the set, and she is a rare combination of flexibility and raw power. She fits perfectly into the draw-go play pattern. She can fight in combat and also protect pivotal creatures like Jace, Vryn's Prodigy and Dragonlord Ojutai. Saying "go" with five mana untapped will cause so much fear that you can play some real head games with your opponent.

Much of a format is defined by the limits of how aggressive and how controlling you can go. Everything is about context and these are the cards from Shadows over Innistrad that will help lay the foundation and define those parameters.

Whether you want to build a midrange or combo deck, I would start by researching aggressive and controlling strategies. The reason for this is every midrange or combo deck must have a good plan to defend (or race) the aggro decks and attack (or go over) the control decks.

Whatever archetype you choose for the new season, I hope this helps you prepare, and I wish you luck!

Andrew Boswell, @KaolinTiger


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