DreadBall - New Pledge Level, New Teams, New Rules!

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DreadBall 2nd Edition -
Everything there is to know so far!
The DreadBall 2nd Edition Kickstarter is well underway and in this newsletter:
  • The Rules Committee tell you what's changing with 2nd Edition
  • We add a new pledge level designed for DreadBall Vets to upgrade their collection to 2nd Ed
  • We show some hefty stretch goals that will boost the value of the Striker pledge.
DreadBall - The Futuristic Sports Game Core Set
Includes 2nd Edition Rulebook, Pitch and 2 new teams: the Draconis All-Stars robots and Ninth Moon Tree Sharks Yndij plus a newly designed RefBot, Balls, Hex Bases, Cards, Counters and dice.
What is 2nd Edition DreadBall?

DreadBall 2nd Edition was borne out of feedback from the community and a need to further support the system with a balanced, fun ruleset and a competitive league system.

We are reviewing absolutely every aspect of the game and this post here by the Rules Committee should give you a pretty good idea what we're doing with the rules and how we're approaching the development of the game. Give it a read!
Note that your existing miniatures collection will not invalidated in anyway – and neither are your pitches. The Season Books are being replaced with the Core Rulebook and Team Guide, and card decks are being rewritten so that they are more fun - but the rest of your collection is completely useable!

With this in mind, we've created a new pledge level to get the essentials you need to upgrade your collection to 2nd Edition.

$45 Jack - DreadBall Veteran Pledge Level goes live at 8:00pm BST.

The DreadBall Veteran Pledge Level includes the new Core Rulebook (MSRP $25), which has all of the streamlined, revised rules and a new League system, and the DreadBall Team Guide (MSRP $25). Together these house all of the revised core rules, revamped league system, advanced rules including cheerleaders and coaches, and all of the stats and background for every team and MVP. You'll get both a physical and digital copy of the books.
The pledge level also include a DreadBall 2nd Edition Card Deck ($5 KS add-on), with all new action and event cards, and a set of card counters that will be immediately upgraded to the new 3D plastic DreadBall counters ($10 KS add-on) the moment they are funded – because they are fun and add extra value to the pledge level. This pledge level will go up for $45 at 8:00pm BST – so be ready and please help us tell everyone it's coming!
Striker pledge level goes big

For those of you in or looking at the Striker pledge level ($100), you get the complete 2nd Edition core game ($80 MSRP), Team Guide (MSRP $25), DreadBall Ultimate (MSRP $25), extra players, prone markers as well as digital copies of each book and 3 Kickstarter Exclusive miniatures – plus every stretch goal will be added to the pledge level at no extra cost.

Our next stretch goals will bulk up (literally) this pledge level even further - and we've broken them into 2 to make them easier to hit.
Stretch Goal: $140,000 BONUS Matsudan Team – 6 Players
Concept Art for the Matsudan Team
Stretch Goal: $150,000 BONUS Matsudan Substitutes – 6 Players
Concept Art for the Matsudan Team
These goals combined add an extra $30 worth of value to the Striker pledge level, making it truly a deal not to be missed. There's lots of stuff still to come – the Yndij will be getting substitutes and I'm sure a Team Captain for them and the Matsudan aren't too far away either.
DreadBall - The Futuristic Sports Game is now on Kickstarter. The project ends midnight BST Sunday 7th August.

Please pledge your support and spread the word - we appreciate any help we get!
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