Ramping up to Columbus

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Bring it on, Emrakul!

Think back to the first time you saw Emrakul, the Promised End. What was your first thought? For some, it was "That thing costs 13 mana?!" For others, it was "I expected more from Emrakul than just a Mindslaver effect!" For me, I remember vividly thinking "This thing is going to be so awesome to watch during coverage!" Think about it. When we see someone with an Emrakul in their hand at #SCGCOL, the entire game will revolve around if they ever get to cast it or not.

Spoiler alert — I hope they do!

I might be considered a Spike when I play Magic, but when I've got that headset on I want to see cool stuff happen. What's cooler than someone hard-casting Emrakul, the Promised End? Sure, Elder Deep‑Fiend is neat, but if you're casting that thing, you're probably winning the game in some lame way. I want to see Brisela, Voice of Nightmares terrorizing a battlefield. I want to see Bedlam Reveler be cast ahead of schedule. And I want to see Emrakul decimate a battlefield so badly that it becomes a Best of SCGLive moment!

And this weekend, I hopefully get to see all the cool things happen! Now someone has to temper my excitement, so I'll be joined by Patrick Sullivan, Nick Miller, and the rest of the @SCGLive crew as we head out to beautiful Columbus, Ohio for #SCGCOL. I expect my Ohio brethren to represent as only they know how, so you can expect a tournament packed to the brim with awesome decks, awesome players, and awesome matches!

If you can't be a part of all the Eldritch Moon fun, be sure to watch all the action at twitch.tv/scglive!

Cedric Phillips, Media Manager @CedricAPhillips


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What I'd Play At The Open Series

Eldritch Moon is here and it's time to see what changes it will bring to Standard this weekend at #SCGCOL. Because nothing is rotating out, some decks may remain largely the same. But with such a high-powered set as Eldritch Moon being added to the card pool, entirely new decks may rise to the top.

At the recommendation of Eric Froehlich, I've picked up G/R Ramp for this weekend. At a time when everybody is trying to figure out how to make new synergies work and how to fit new cards into existing midrange decks, there are two strategies you can use to take advantage of uncertainty: be faster, or go bigger. And in Standard it doesn't get much bigger than Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger!

G/R Ramp by Jennifer Long


  3 Dragonlord Atarka
  3 Sylvan Advocate
  3 Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger
  3 World Breaker
  4 Chandra, Flamecaller
  1 Nissa's Renewal
  4 Explosive Vegetation
  4 Nissa's Pilgrimage
  4 Kozilek's Return
  2 Hedron Archive
  4 Oath of Nissa
  4 Sanctum of Ugin
  4 Shrine of the Forsaken Gods
  3 Cinder Glade



  1 Game Trail
  2 Mountain
10 Forest
  1 Wastes


  2 Warping Wail
  1 Gaea's Revenge
  3 Tireless Tracker
  2 Spatial Contortion
  3 Jaddi Offshoot
  4 Thought-Knot Seer



Kozilek's Return card preview


In the early game, Kozilek's Return can keep aggressive decks at bay long enough to get to our late game. While some decks can outgrow the two damage provided by this instant-speed wrath, getting it in the graveyard still provides value later when we can cast it from the graveyard for a massive five damage, usually enough to clear the opponent's battlefield while leaving us with our own massive threat.


Sylvan Advocate  card preview


Sylvan Advocate serves a similar purpose, providing early pressure and blocking well while we wait for our ramp spells to come online. However, it has the added bonus of growing to a 4/5 earlier than our opponents', because we're adding lands to the battlefield at an accelerated pace.


Hedron Archive card preview


This version of G/R Ramp is focused on lands and artifacts. This means we don't have to worry about removal spells slowing down our plan because we're not playing mana-producing creatures. And since Explosive Vegetation and Hedron Archive take us from four mana on Turn 4 to seven on Turn 5, we can play a large number of our threats two turns early. With a lucky draw, Shrine of the Forsaken Gods can help you get to Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger by Turn 5. Not many decks can come back from that.


Dragonlord Atarka card preview


The two threats we bring along for seven mana on Turn 5 both provide a quick clock, great blocks against ground and flying threats, and the ability to clean up what's happening on the battlefield. Dragonlord Atarka removes the most important creatures and Planeswalkers, and World Breaker can answer problematic permanents while flashing back a Kozilek's Return to deal with creatures at the same time.


World Breaker  card preview


Both of these threats are resilient to Reflector Mage, since the opponent doesn't want these effects happening twice. Unless they think you'll be dead by the time you can cast them again, they're probably not going to get targeted by Reflector Mage. Spell Queller is similarly useless against them, as they simply don't fit in the converted mana cost requirements of its ability.


Chandra, Flamecaller card preview


Unlike most decks where Chandra, Flamecaller is the top end, we're not really playing her for the pressure she provides. If we're facing down an army of creatures, we can use her third ability to buy us some time. Her second ability, though, is where it gets interesting. One of the big problems ramp decks face is drawing the "wrong half" of the deck. If we draw all ramp and no threats, we'll have a hard time closing out the game. If that happens, Chandra can recycle those dead cards and give us a chance to draw into more threats.


Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger  card preview


At the very top end of our curve sits Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger. An answer and a finish in one card, casting Ulamog usually means the end of the game for our opponent. And thanks to Sanctum of Ugin, one Ulamog often brings another to finish the job.


Jaddi Offshoot card preview


The sideboard brings more options against aggressive decks in the form of Jaddi Offshoot and Spatial Contortion. The Offshoot blocks early attacks from Humans decks and 2/3 creatures out of Bant Company, while gaining life thanks to our land-based ramp spells. Spatial Contortion gives us a bit of removal to help buy time until Kozilek's Return, Chandra, or Atarka can clean up.


Thought-Knot Seer card preview


Against midrange decks, more options from the sideboard provide additional threat density and a source of card advantage. Since most decks will be taking out conditional removal spells like Grasp of Darkness and Ultimate Price, these creatures are much more likely to stick around post-sideboard.

G/R Ramp occasionally defeats itself with bad draws, but it can have explosive ones too. With tight play, proper sequencing, and a streak of good luck, there's a good chance that this stalwart of yesterday's Standard can defeat the newcomers of Eldritch Moon at #SCGCOL. I look forward to seeing you all there, and as always: happy gaming!

Jennifer Long, @TheMrsMulligan


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