Modern Madness Continues This Weekend!

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 Woods, Lansdell, and Anderson talk Modern this week as the SCG Tour comes to Richmond!

Thursday, August 10th

Wasn't it just a few days ago that Death's Shadow was the supposedly dominant deck in the format? Looks to me like Eldrazi Tron will be the one to beat this weekend at SCG Richmond! Everyone is focused on Modern, and because of the low travel time, you can expect a ton of big SCG names to be there! And believe me: They'll be ready to fight! Conley Woods is on the cusp of another combo deck breakthrough, Chris Lansdell is creating more tokens than even he can keep up with, and Todd Anderson is putting his Tarmogoyfs and Snapcaster Mages in sleeves as we speak! Catch up on all the great SCG content this week before you head to the SCG Tour in Richmond! Best of luck!

Danny West, Content Coordinator

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Conley Woods

  Brewing In Modern Without Paying Its Mana Cost
  By Conley WoodsTwitter

That said, there is some real appeal in utilizing the many Time Walk effects of the format. I think you can all see where this is going. You see, Mono-Blue Turns doesn't get to use a sweet card like Time Stretch, because, well, it costs ten mana. Ten! But what if we weren't paying for that cost? What if Wildfire Eternal were doing that for us?

The concept here is actually rather simple: If you can get your Wildfire Eternal into the red zone unblocked and then take an extra turn with that trigger, on said extra turn, your Wildfire Eternal is going to be unblocked again. This means you can keep chaining together Time Walks without needing to spend any mana. This means you can very quickly get to a point where you have two or three turns stacked, during which you can essentially set up any end-game you want. Mono-Blue Turns needs Howling Mine effects to ensure it keeps drawing more and more lands as well as more and more Time Walks because it has to tap down for the first few turns to even stay afloat. With a Wildfire Eternal at the helm, you can spend your mana tutoring for more Time Walks or casting a draw-seven, so you don't necessarily need to run a card that provides your opponent with any extra cards.

Some of the common cards in Mono-Blue Turns actually work perfectly to support Wildfire Eternal. Untapping with Eternal and then casting Gigadrowse or Cryptic Command will tap your opponent out, allowing the Zombie Jackal Cleric to attack unopposed and then to continue doing so for as many turns as you have. We will discuss interactions a little more in a second, but first let's get a list out there so this all makes a little more sense.

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Chris Lansdell

  Modern Mardu Monastery Mentor
  By Chris LansdellTwitter

One thing I have not understood about Modern is that Monastery Mentor and Young Pyromancer have yet to really take hold of the format. Both cards see a lot of play in Legacy and even Vintage, and their power level is not in question. Keeping them alive is a challenge in a format defined by its cheap removal (the same removal we are playing, of course), but we are not lacking in ways to get our threats back again. Kolaghan's Command is a Modern staple, and the new card Claim can at least get back Young Pyromancer. With the Lingering Souls and the burn spells we can run, creature-based damage is not going to need to do as much work.

Okay, we have a framework. How might we fill out the rest of the deck?

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Todd Anderson

  Desperate Modern Ravings For Richmond
  By Todd AndersonFacebookTwitter

While Temur Box is a fine deck in a normal Modern format, the removal spells that red has to offer don't really give you a lot of breathing room. Lightning Bolt doesn't kill anything out of Death's Shadow other than Snapcaster Mage, and I don't really want to play a lot of copies of Dismember and Roast.

The reason why I don't really want to play Death's Shadow is because I just don't like dealing myself ten or so points of damage in a game. I get that doing so allows you to offset the downside of Thoughtseize and makes your deck a bit smaller thanks to Street Wraith, but my record with Death's Shadow in the last few months is actually abysmal. And, because of my stubborn nature, I don't want to pick up Eldrazi Tron because I hate it.

I hate everything about it.

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