The Commander 2017 Review By Sheldon Menery Up until this week, you couldn't really say Commander 2017 without adding "eagerly anticipated." Now that we know what the set and decks look like, that anticipation has been well-rewarded. As with the other Commander products, the decks look eminently playable right out of the box. They'll provide good games and great fun to Commander beginners and veterans alike. Down the road, you'll see me do some coverage on the decks, as it's likely that our next Commander league will be a variant on the Commander 2015 League we did, but today I'm going to focus on the individual cards. It seems a little weird to say it for this set, but I'll remind you that this review is for Commander only. Commander cards are legal in other Eternal formats, so you never know what might happen; for now, we'll focus on the one for which the cards were made. I'll go by color, focusing predominantly on the new cards, as well as noting my favorite reprint in each color. I'll then pick my favorite card in each category. |
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