Rain death from the skies! Gun down your enemies!

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Warpath vehicles are available NOW!
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Welcome to this week's Mantic Games newsletter. Here you'll find all the latest information on new releases, news and special offers!
We're pleased to announce that our new range of sci-fi vehicles for Warpath, the futuristic wargame of epic proportions, is available in stores now! From the mighty Enforcer Interceptor streaking across the sky raining bullets on its enemies, to the heavily armoured Forge Father Sturnhammer rumbling across the battlefield, these incredibly detailed vehicles bring a new and exciting element to sci-fi wargaming.


Armed with a main battery of Heavy Hailstorm Cannons and clad in armour capable of withstanding all but the most powerful and well-placed blasts, the Sturnhammer inexorably carries the might of the Forge Fathers to war. Get yours now!


The Drakkar's sloped, reinforced armour makes it one of the toughest troop delivery vehicles on any battlefield anywhere. With a Hailstorm anti-personnel weapon to discourage any assailants along the way, the vehicle is an extremely safe and reliable transport for platoons of Steel Warriors and Forge Guard. Deploy now!


Powerful engines and adaptable treads allow the Hultr Half-Track to react to the flow of battle fluidly, supporting the Forge Father lines with its Hailstorm or Magma Cannon. Add a Hultr to your force.


The Galactic Co-Prosperity Sphere's most advanced military demands equally advanced air support. The Accuser and Persecutor wings fulfill this task faultlessly, claiming air superiority for the Enforcers below. Take off with the Interceptor!


The Arbiter swaps the Accuser's Burst Lasers in favour of twin Polaris Cannons, delivering a heavy punch against armoured targets in swift ground-to-air strikes few enemies can counter. Strike fear into your opponents.
Remember, the GCPS are now available to pre-order! Plus, there's a special limited bundle to grab a Deadzone Faction Starter and Faction Booster with just one click.
Talking of the GCPS, there's an in-depth introduction to the new Deadzone faction over on the blog. Find out why they're fighting in the containment protocols and what units they can field. Would you like to know more?
Great news! The Beasts of War campaign hub for the Edge of the Abyss campaign launches MONDAY! In the run-up to the launch, we opened our own mini website and we've received almost 200 reports already. Currently the Good factions have the advantage but it's still all to play for!
With the Kings of War campaign in full swing, now's probably a good time to brush up on your tactics! Thank goodness for Nick Williams then, and his recent blog on the pros and cons of going first. Read it here.
On October 14th we'll be holding our first official Walking Dead: All Out War tournament, followed by a special Survival Day on following day. You can buy tickets to both for a discounted price. Check the events page for more details.
On Saturday, Andy will be popping along to Fighting Fantasy Fest 2 in glamorous London! Say hello and take a spin with Dungeon Saga or grab a copy of the Rise of the Shadow King Adventure Game Book.
From London Andy's then on to Peterborough for the Hereward Wargames Show. Here you can try out the special 15 minute demo of The Walking Dead: All Out War and take a look at the latest Mantic releases. Also, please make sure Andy hasn't crashed the new Mantic Mobile on his travels.
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