FREE Blaine DreadBall MVP with Pre-Orders

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New rules, new teams, and a familiar face returns to the pitch...
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It's been a long time coming, but this week DreadBall 2nd Edition finally goes up on pre-order! The galaxy's greatest sports game is back, with tweaked rules, re-balanced teams and brand new mechanics to sink your teeth into.
As you'd expect, there are no shortage of new releases to coincide with 2nd Edition. You can pre-order two new teams, two new expansions, the boxed game, and a collector's rulebook. All of the new pre-orders have gone up early and will be shipping from the 19th, March 2018. Read on to find out more!
The DreadBall boxed game contains everything you need to start your DreadBall career! There are two pre-assembled plastic teams - the Neo-bots and the Yndij - who both come with a brand new team captain. There's also a double sided pitch, game cards, dice, counters, a Ref-Bot, a trophy, a score tracker and, of course, a copy of the DreadBall 2nd Edition core rules.

What's more, if you pre-order the boxed game before the 19th March, you'll get a Limited Edition FREE Blaine MVP miniature (below), plus all of the rules to field him in your games! ORDER NOW!
After a brief time sponsoring underground teams in DreadBall Xtreme and hiring mercenaries in Star Saga, the Tyrant is finally taking to the pitch once more! The famous player Blaine is returning with a brand new limited edition plastic miniature and rules for 2nd Edition. You can pick him up either on his own, or free when you pre-order the DreadBall boxed game from the Mantic Website. ORDER NOW!
If you're an existing player, or know someone who is getting the core game already, then the Collector's rulebook is an excellent resource. It contains not only the core rulebook from the box game, but also the League Handbook and stats for 29 Teams and 66 MVPS. ORDER NOW!

On top of all of this, there are two expansions to the core game that can be used to add further elements of strategy and fun, making your games even more wild!
DreadBall games are rarely sensible affairs. The Event Deck recreates the madness that take place on the pitch. From exploding balls to fans invading the game, it adds a spark of randomness for you to deal with while you try to win. It also includes a resin commentator's stand as a card holder!
The Galactic Tour Expansion is designed for playing through leagues with groups of players. It includes a host of cool extras to use in your games such as coaching staff, cheerleaders, a medi-bot, roster pad, and even an MVP - A'Teo Adysi!


The boxed game includes two brand new teams for DreadBall - the Yndij (Ninth Moon Tree Sharks) and the Neo-bots (Draconis All-Stars). In addition to these, we're releasing two more brand new teams - ready to take to the neodurium pitches of the future!
The Cyborg team, the New Eden Revenants, have the unique ability to hire deceased players from older teams. With the liberal application of bionics, they are brought into play once more, although slower and less skilled than before.

This set includes 12 players, 2 prones, a Team Captain, plus a Team Stat Card, Captain Stat Card and 10 Captain cards. ORDER NOW!
The Matsudo Tectonics are from the Matsudan race. A highly honourable warrior culture, these large reptiles are slow to get into position, but almost unstoppable on the offensive.

This set includes 10 players, 2 prones, a Team Captain, plus a Team Stat Card, Captain Stat Card and 10 Captain cards. ORDER NOW!


The Kings of War Vanguard Pledge Manager is now open. For those of you who were on the Kickstarter, now is the time to fill this in and let us know what you want and where you want it sent to.

However, if you missed the Kickstarter, then good news! We are now accepting late pledges through the pledge manager. This means that you can get your hands on the new Nightstalkers, Basileans, Abyssals, and Northern Alliance, as well as the rules for the new Vanguard game. the Pledge Manager close on Febrauary 28th, so don't miss out!


The Governor is coming and all next week we'll be covering everything to do with him - and Woodbury - in the Walking Dead: All Out War on the Mantic Blog. The new Made to Suffer expansion and a host of boosters are available to pre-order right now. Why not grab them and follow along with the content next week?
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