How awesome is Magic right now? Seriously, take a step back and think about it. I'm not sure Magic has been this much fun and, more importantly, this unpredictable in five years. Take Standard for instance. What's the best deck in that format? Mono-Red Aggro? G/R Monsters? Grixis Energy? Something with Approach of the Second Suns? Who knows! And with the unbanning of Jace, the Mind Sculptor and Bloodbraid Elf in Modern, no one has any clue what the best deck is over there. Is it likely something with Jace? Yeah, probably, but Jace hasn't been dominating Magic Online as much as people were expecting. At least not yet... Todd Anderson has quite a few thoughts on how Bloodbraid and Jace will change everything in Modern. And you'd be wise to listen—the Alabama native has signed many a match slip in his favor with each of those cards in his deck. Jadine Klomparens was all set to give up on Winding Constrictor in Standard, but a last-chance MTGO League changed her mind. As for Pro Tour Rivals of Ixalan finalist, Gerry Thompson? He's breaking down all the formats as only he can—with decklists-o-plenty and brutally honest commentary to go along with 'em. Every format in Magic is ready to be broken. Will you be the one to do the breaking? — Cedric Phillips, Content Coordinator |
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