Well then! Following Pro Tour Rivals of Ixalan and Grand Prix Toronto, many felt Modern was in a very healthy place. With so much diversity and so many decks to choose from, I, like many others, expected WotC's Banned and Restricted announcement on Monday morning to be a rather quiet one. But as we know by now, it was anything but! Jace, the Mind Sculptor and Bloodbraid Elf are back, but the question is, "Are they better than ever?" Two-time Player of the Year, Owen Turtenwald, hasn't had his chance to share his thoughts just yet on Modern's most recent unbannings, but if you're one of the many people who believe Tron is a great answer to both Jace and Bloodbraid Elf, Owen did play the deck at Pro Tour Rivals of Ixalan and is happy to explain why. What does the outspoken Ben Friedman think about WotC's decision? Well, he's not much of a fan, but he's got a lot of reasons why and articulates them as only he can. As for our financial expert, Chas Andres? He's here to tell you not only where he thinks Jace and Bloodbraid will fall in #MTGFINANCE, but also where their interlocking pieces will settle as well. While we won't get to see Jace and Bloodbraid this weekend at #SCGINDY, we will still get to see Magic's most popular format in action. Matthias Hunt, Ryan Overturf, Nick Miller, and the rest of the @SCGTour crew will be bringing you 15 rounds of Modern action all weekend long from Naptown. Join us starting at 10:30am ET at twitch.tv/scgtour! — Cedric Phillips, Content Coordinator |
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