#G4C2022 Day 2 Recap! 🎮

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That's a wrap for Day 2 - and the in-person portion of #G4C2022!! We had some stellar sessions with the likes of Ian Bogost, Lady PhØenix, Diane Hickey, Sarah Ticho, Sy Raffoul, and MANY more exceptional game-changers in the space dedicated to social impact. Among today's programming included a fireside chat titled "Video Games: A Force for Good" featuring Stan Pierre-Louis (CEO, Entertainment Software Association) and Dean Takahashi (GamesBeat Lead Writer, VentureBeat). This incredible discussion centered on the positive growth in public perception regarding the benefits of video games, such as social impact, restoration of human connection, and learning about ourselves and the world at large. 

CYSTEM Scholarship Program!
CYSTEM is a one-of-a-kind grants program empowering underrepresented students at the high school and graduate levels to pursue academic and professional careers in video games. Games for Change is thrilled to announce our nominations for this incredible new program:
  • Angelo Simpson from Atlanta
  • Yanxi Rodriguez from Los Angeles
  • Celeste Ngin from New York City
  • Monica Paredes from Los Angeles
CYSTEM is funded and supported by a team of cross-sector partnerships, including the ESA, Bigglesworth Family Foundation, Take-Two Interactive, Gay Gaming Professionals, Urban Arts, and Games for Change. Through their involvement in the G4C Student Challenge, these students have demonstrated immense talent and passion for making games, and we are so excited to see what these young innovators accomplish through this new program!

Game Plan Expands!
Today we announced that Game Plan, our professional development program to increase museum capacity for using games and game-like learning supported by General Motors, will launch the third cohort of museum educators and welcome an inaugural cohort to include STEM educators!

The remaining two days of the Festival will pivot from in-person to online on Hopin! Be sure to review the programming schedule to circle your favorites and virtually attend more sessions featuring amazing industry leaders. Here's a preview of what you can expect for Day 3:

Micaela Mantegna (Abogamer, TED Fellow / Berkman Klein Center Affiliate)
Beyond the hype, what are the possibilities and pitfalls of creating the Metaverse, and what makes it different from the Internet or other virtual worlds? Can we ethically create it, or will it be the new iteration of surveillance capitalism? Join Micaela Mantegna, a leading expert in video game and metaverse policy, as she takes a look at some of these new questions surrounding this new field, and investigates what role games can have in creating a safer metaverse for everyone.

Lindsay Grace (Knight Chair in Interactive Media, MFA Degree, Director Vice President University of Miami, HEVGA), Allan Cudicio (CEO/Creative Director Twin Drums), Carl Varnado (Executive Director Black in Gaming Foundation), Aaron Trammell (Assistant Professor, UC Irvine), Nyambura Waruingi (Founder & Creative Director Akoia & Company Ltd)

From science fiction board games to art-focused virtual reality, financial literacy card games to mobile games about the Black experience, this panel highlights the work and impact of Black game makers. Comprised of academic researchers and game designers who have studied or produced work related to the global Black community, join as the group shares their perspectives on the past, present, and potential future diasporic game creation. What are the patterns of social impact offered in these games, how have they worked, and what can the community look forward to?

Anthony Veneziale (Co-CEO / Co-Founder, Freestyle Love Supreme / FLS+)

Improv isn't just a tool for laughs – it's a tool for life. The ability to strategically problem-solve in novel situations, or "improvise", supports the mental wellness and performance of individuals at every "stage" of life and work. What's more, it's a set of skills you can learn, practice, and master over time.

Explore the Full Day 3 Schedule!

Remember to share your experience with us on social using hashtag #G4C2022! See you online tomorrow for Day 3!

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