#G4C2020 Special Sessions and Workshops

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The 2020 Games for Change Virtual Festival is less than 2 weeks away! This year we are thrilled to present more ways to connect to the Industry than ever before. Take a look at some of our special sessions, workshops, and roundtables plus information on how to make the most out of your #G4C2020 experience.

Have questions about your next career steps? Our mentors are here to help you! Open to anyone in the game development community regardless of years of experience.  Mentor Café sessions will take place each day of the Festival from 2:30-4:00 EDT. Deadline to apply is extended to July 3rd. 
Apply As A Mentor!
Apply As A Mentee!
#G4C2020 has more Funders than ever before! In addition to grant-makers from US Federal Agencies, Accelerators -  we are welcoming for the first time four Venture Capital firms! Get your questions answered by the people who are helping hundreds of creators bring their social impact games and immersive experiences to life. View the full list of funders and view their session times here!

Speed Networking
Get paired with another Festival participant for a 5 minute introduction and make new industry connections all over the world! Just click the networking button on Hopin to start. In order to get the most out of your Speed Networking experience make sure you fill in your Hopin profile beforehand, this will make it easier to connect with other participants throughout the Festival. 

We will be holding an open session for more technical Hopin Info soon, stay tuned to our newsletters and social media channels for full details!

Meet the Chapters
Did you know that there are multiple G4C Chapters throughout the world? Get to know them during our Chapter roundtables! The individual sessions  will serve as an introduction to G4C's presence in each market, diving into how they are supporting the local scene in addition to introducing projects and people that are driving games for good in their region. Don't miss out on learning more about G4C Latin America, G4C Europe and our newest chapter, G4C Asia-Pacific at their individual Meet the Chapter sessions and our special breakfast session on "Growing Games for Change Globally" on July 15th from 8:30-9:30 EDT.

Delegation Spotlights
This year we are excited to have delegations from both South Korea and Malta!  

KOCCA  (The Korea Creative Content Agency) will be presenting 2 sessions highlighting games in Health and Learning by introducing games STUDIO COIN, SOFTZEN, GROWING SEEDS, DEV UNLIMIT and KITTEN PLANET. Tune in on  July 14 from 1:30-2:00pm and 4:30-5:00pm EDT. 

On July 15 from 12:15- 1:15pm, Gaming Malta COO, Ivan Filletti will be presenting a roundtable on  "Nurturing Talent in the Mediterranean: Learn It All". The panelists will discuss and share their insights of how to build a talent pipeline and enhance the ecosystem underpinned by education in the interactive gaming sector.

Epic Games Educator Town Hall
Thursday, July 16 • 5:00 - 6:00 pm
Calling all Middle and High School teachers! Epic Games/Unreal Engine will use this roundtable to learn from you about the challenges you face when trying to bring games and emerging technology into your classroom. Please join us and share your experiences, your successes and setbacks. We will share opportunities to get involved with Epic's work to bring interactive, 3D technology and design into classrooms through teacher training, funding opportunities and student programs.

Gaming the System: Making Games about Real-World Systems 
Colleen Macklin 
Thursday, July 16 • 11:30am - 1:00pm

Games are a perfect medium for modeling, exploring, and ultimately changing systems - the hidden dynamics underneath the biggest social issues we face today, from structural racism to climate change. In this workshop we'll translate real-world systems into game-based models, through a series of short systems mapping and game prototyping exercises.

5 Open XR Projects for 2020 
Jonathan Ogilvy and Nicholas Fortugno
Thursday, July 16 •  3:30pm - 5:00pm 

Like a jam, but different. Instead of taking a single prompt and working from nothing to something, we'll take a quick look at twenty different prompts, choose a handful, and take an existing something a step further.  The wider variety of professional discipline and skill level we have, the better.  This is all about collaboration.

CMU ETC Presents: DTOX - Tackling Toxicity with Play
Wednesday, July 15 • 11:00am - 12:00pm
DTOX is an interactive experience exploring toxicity in online gaming. Specifically, we will look at ideas about current and potential moderation practices as well as dispel popular misconceptions about disruptive behavior online. Attendees will play the part of moderators in fictional gaming communities, using their phones as an interface to address issues in the space and dole out punishment as they see fit. After playing through the experience, there will be time for discussion.

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